Go anywhere & get connected

Welcome to the Global Office Portal.
Global Office allows you access to your applications from any computer that has internet access, including home computers, internet cafes and kiosks. The most frequently accessed applications include Microsoft Applications, SAP, Internet Explorer, and Remote Desktop. If you need access to additional business applications, please contact your the Service Desk to request they be added to your application list.
To begin, follow the Login Instructions provided below.

Login instructions
Follow the Login Instructions to connect to the ConocoPhillips Global Office portal

Troubleshooting and FAQ's
View tips for troubleshooting and frequently asked questions in accessing the portal.
Security Notice
This is a private computer system to be accessed and used for ConocoPhillips business purposes only. Access to it for any reason must be specifically authorized. Unauthorized access or use of this system is prohibited by law and may expose you to criminal and/or civil proceedings. Unless provided for by a separate written agreement, all information placed on this computer system will be considered the property of ConocoPhillips Inc. ConocoPhillips reserves the right to monitor, access, and disclose all information sent through or stored in this computer system, without notice, for any purpose and at anytime. By using and continuing to use this system, you agree to the above. Further, you are indicating that you have proper authorization to use this system. Finally, you agree that you are waiving any expectation of privacy. When logging into ConocoPhillips’ network(s) you agree to comply with all applicable export control regulations. Further you agree you will not access the COP network from any countries subject to comprehensive US Sanctions, including Iran, Cuba and Sudan.